Tuesday 5 August 2014

curry & colenta

Hello. So we based today's meal on a family classic known as "Chicken A La King." We figured we could easily create a curry-version of this meal by simply adding some thai green curry paste... The next challenge came in the form of a starch-substitute. One would usually enjoy a bowl of noodles or savoury rice with a thai green curry, but no such conventional simplicity may be granted to the banters of this world. The idea was then to create the usual cauli-rice - processed and fried cauliflower that gives one the illusion of eating pure starch. Our food processor got a little too excited at the prospect of slicing up the cauliflower, and pretty much ground the vegetable to a near-pulp. We couldn't really fry a cup of cauli-pulp, so we decided to boil it. 10 minutes later we discovered we had created something very similar to boiled cornmeal commonly known as polenta, and we called it... Colenta! So there we have it. A - possibly- new and shiny cauli-concept. 

thai green chicken curry
with sugar snap peas & a side of colenta 

4 chicken breasts

1 - 2 teaspoons thai green curry paste 

250ml fresh cream

200ml coconut milk

100g sugar snap peas

1/2 handful fresh coriander 

2 teaspoons arrowroot powder

1 tablespoon butter 

1 head cauliflower

break the florets off the cauliflower 

process the cauliflower in a food processor until it reaches a fine and uniform consistency

place the raw colenta into a pot, and add 1 litre of boiling water

cook the colenta over the stove for about 10 minutes, stirring regularly

test that it is soft and cooked through before draining off excess water through a fine sieve

set the colenta aside 

slice the chicken breasts into chunky strips

fry the chicken in butter until it is almost cooked through

add the curry paste and cook the chicken until done

add the fresh cream and coconut milk and heat thoroughly

add the sugar snap peas and chopped coriander and stir through

mix the arrowroot powder with 30ml cool water

add the arrowroot mixture to the curry

stir the curry until it thickens

warm your colenta, dish up your curry and garnish your meal with a few sprigs of coriander

happy fooding!

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